
See film in a new light

Sunrise Cinema Club is a film club for people who want to broaden their film knowledge

On Saturday mornings, I get up really early and watch one film before I do anything else. They tend to be the kind of films we don't fancy watching on Saturday night with a takeaway - black and white classics, independent film, world cinema. Typically, more challenging fare.

But what I've found in documenting these films on my personal Instagram account over the past year is that the challenge has been enormously rewarding.

As the South Korean director of 'Parasite' Bong Joon Ho said:

“Once you overcome the one-inch-tall barrier of subtitles, you will be introduced to so many more amazing films.”

I'm not a film critic or academic. I'm just an early riser who enjoys movies.

So, if you want to follow along with me and expand your film knowledge, find weekly recommendations, movie trailers, and a place to leave your reviews on the Now Showing page. Follow me on Instagram, where I’ll be sharing more clips, and quotes, and trivia. And sign up for my newsletter, where once a week I’ll share the best further reading from around the web.

You don’t have to get up early, if that’s not your thing. You can watch the films in your own time.